During the week, time passes too quickly to spend time together around a set table, and at the weekend many people prefer to eat out. However, the habit of dining out gives children more than just eating food. Dining is about time together with family, discussions, respect for the food prepared and the people who prepared it, basic social etiquette, discipline and patience.
Here are some tips on how to make dining out a pleasure for children and parents alike.
If you don't have an established dining habit at home, incorporate the points one at a time. You don't want to introduce everything at once, as this could be too much for family members.
Start with food preparation
If possible, involve some of the family in the preparations. The children will be happy that they were able to help. They will learn what the food is made of and will have a greater appetite.
Set the table
There is not always time during the week to prepare festive table settings. However, make sure you have a clean tablecloth and at least a small decoration on the table. Whether you choose a small vase, candle holder, statuette or pull-out napkins in a pretty wrapper, it doesn't matter what you use to brighten up the table. However, treat yourself to a festively set table, at least once a week. You can also set the table festively for breakfast, it doesn't always have to be lunch or dinner.
Again, try to involve the children in the preparations. Take away cutlery, plates, glasses, fold napkins. You could try letting them think of decorations or letting the children paint their own place settings.
Use good quality tableware
Children will eat better with good quality cutlery. Thanks to the ergonomic shape of the handle, they will grasp the cutlery better. A good blade will help them cut their food better. They will be happier being closer to adults.
Use the time just for you
No TV, no cell phones, no books, magazines, pamphlets. Talk. Choose lighter topics. Tell childhood stories, reminisce about lunches at grandma's, candlelight dinners when the power went out, mom's first (un)hearty meal. You'll always be able to find old topics to entertain the kids.
Show respect for food
Food is not a given. Food is a gift. Thank Mother Earth for allowing people to enjoy her gifts. When you realise the value of food, you will treat it as such.
Show respect to those who prepared the food
Mom, dad, grandma, aunt, friend...the people who work to provide the food. They spend time in the kitchen. They serve food to others. No matter who prepared the meal or collaborated in its preparation, they deserve thanks and respect.
Teach children the basics of social etiquette
Speak with an empty mouth.
Make only sounds that are pleasant to others (wheezing, slurping do not belong at the table).
Know how to ask for a thank you.
Use a napkin.
To put down cutlery when the meal is over.
A word at the end
It must be remembered that digestion begins with eating. Correct posture, good swallowing, calmness when eating, all of these influence digestion afterwards. Dining affects not only the psyche, but also health.
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